Suicide : Trading Precious Life itself ‘Permanently’ for solving life’s Temporary problems.

Shaila Y
9 min readJun 17, 2020

Refreshing | Mental Health Support | Strategies

It is a cold Sunday evening. As soon as Shaila opens the window for some fresh air, music starts to flow into her room. It’s quite pleasurable to live in Uni accommodation, as she gets the chance to listen to different genres and explores students’ taste in music. Putting on her furry plush socks, she picks up her green tea travel mug and wonders about the reason why her favourite tea brand mentions “BY APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II”! Does The Queen of England also drink this brand of tea? Shaila must google asap! Quickly opens the browser and the Facebook news feed gets loaded by default. A friend has shared a post about an Indian Actor who’s quitted his life today. Shaila tries to redirect her attention to the music but hey! suddenly the music through the window also has stopped playing.

While people are sharing their opinions on that unfortunate event, Shaila keeps silent; she is currently riding her train of thought: …. so, he quitted not because he was weak to handle life, but because he got tired of remaining strong for so long. But people must know remaining strong during tough times without right thinking is not true strength at all. It’s called a high tolerance level. It’s also not that easy to think with clarity when people face adversities in life. It might not be easy, but it can be done. The humans of this blue planet need true strength. And true strength never gets tired. True strength is ever courageous. But you know, the thought about committing suicide doesn’t pop up all of a sudden in one’s mind. A person goes through many life challenges which can lead to depression and proceed to that point when individual’s mind starts to generate that sort of destructive suicidal thoughts.

For most people, the discussion of depression only becomes important when it happens to them or their loved ones. The Depression stage doesn’t take place overnight. When general life problems, personal issues, challenges, griefs build-up, and are not being handled with the right mindset and guidance, the stress and anxiety accumulate over time and lead you to the depression stage.

We all have problems in our lives which cause us to feel sad. But it is when the sadness becomes so overwhelming which leads to the threshold when you start to think ‘There is no help for me’. You begin to think ‘No one can rescue me or assist me’, ‘It’s my problem, my miserable life & nobody cares and i am stuck with my problems’. You forget to eat, don’t feel like talking to anyone. In total, all you feel is numb and empty. This doesn’t mean you don’t want to get better; it is just you Can’t or you don’t know how-to. Because you get chained by those repeated thoughts in your mind. Therefore, The stage of depression sets in. If you are not being aware of this onset stage of depression, it becomes a matter of time to get sucked into the black-hole of depression. And if it is left untreated for long, it proceeds to the next phase where you start questioning the meaning of your existence because life seems worthless! A feeling of complete helplessness persists, and you have NO idea how to solve it or not a single clue where the help is going to come from. You are carrying the sufferings, all the unanswered questions just like this pin in your hand and it’s constantly piercing your mind.

Illustration by Janel Powell Draganjac

Surely, It is not easy to think out of the box at this time, rather all your thoughts make sense because those harmful thoughts are backed up by your struggling experiences that you can see in front of your eyes.

If you blend this situation with the mistreatment of people around you creates the perfect recipe for ultimate disaster. Because rejection adds to the equation and confirms all your thoughts such as — nobody cares about your existence, your presence or absence doesn’t make any difference in this world, you are alone, you are not good enough, you are good for nothing, what’s the point of living this miserable life… the list goes on.

Therefore, We must have to prime and condition our minds that we never reach the point of depression. You also have to be alert so that you are able to identify the onset stage. Otherwise, it becomes so burdensome for you to open up about this situation at later stages. Because you don’t know where to start and you think the other person hasn’t been in your shoes, therefore they are not able to understand you let alone solve the problem you are encountering. They will just try their best to ‘console’ you but you think you don’t actually need that. All you need is to find a solution that will make you feel better. Let me tell you, my friend, THE WAY YOU ARE THINKING IS NOT TRUE AT ALL!!

This world is full of people who really care about others’ well-being. Your friends and families are there to listen to you. If not, then you haven’t met the right people to understand you. But how would you know about the right person if you are not communicating your true self? And just because you haven’t found the right people to share with, that doesn’t mean they are not there. There is no shame in authentically expressing that you are not feeling well. The helplines are there to help you out anytime. As your clouded mind can’t find clarity right now, that doesn’t mean you have to reject your life. Remember, when you lose faith in the preciousness of your life, you lose faith in humanity, you lose faith in all the awesome helpful people, you lose faith in healthcare professionals who are always there to take care of you. If it was true that nobody cared about you, then I am wondering how it’s possible that I am writing this article for you!

Let’s take a walk towards the Happiness garden:

As I mentioned earlier, it might be super hard for some of you to reach out for help, but remember, a support system is crucial to turn things around. If you are not communicating with anybody initially, then

1st of all, acknowledge and trust that your overwhelming situation can get better and will get better. Hold onto the belief. (you also need to work on your belief system, we will have a talk about it in upcoming articles. For example, one of my belief is “that as soon as a challenge appears in life, it already indicates and confirms the that the solution already exists. All I have to find the puzzle pieces to solve it”. So, it helps to build my resilience. Therefore, your belief system is as important as your oxygen.)

Secondly, you have to stop blaming your life and make a genuine decision that you are ready to learn more and the pathway to make things better will find you soon.

Thirdly, get started with your support system. Anything that refreshingly lifts you, introduces you to hope that can be considered as a support system. It can be talking to a trusted friend, family member, books, information videos, inspiring movies (of course with happy endings!).

Now, here is a very important thing to mention if you are using your Netflix binge, excessive drinking to numb your emotional pain, and escape your problems, it is not going to lead you to an effective solution to your problems. Though you can solve your general life challenges by distracting yourself, but to solve your emotional challenges, you have to face it with courage and support. No doubt, you can do it if you set your mind to it! Also, make sure you are around optimistic people ( both online and in real life).

When you decide to look for ways to improve and your chosen support is there, coincidences start to take place, you will find more resources which will provide you with information on how to move forward. You might come across people who went through the same situations as you and you are not alone in this journey. And you can overcome any challenges. You will come to understand that you just need more information and the right kind of thinking.

Inspiring Illustration by Stephan Schmitz

Let me remind you again, everyone is here to support you. Our psychologists, doctors, other healthcare professionals, and organisations are ready to help you with strategies and treatments to take care of your mental health. Interestingly enough, the truth is nobody can ‘heal’ you. To take care of your emotional health, the healer’s job is to trigger your own healing. Just like your personal trainer. Your trainer can’t do the push ups for you, but you have to do it by yourself. You decided to get better in physical fitness. You looked for information about health goals. You learnt about nutrition. You feed your body with correct nutrition. and the result of all your effort is a strong body. And you chose to get better in your physical health and you see your body transforming before your eyes. So, why not do the same for mental health? Are you feeding your mind with proper nutrition? Do you even know what is the food of the mind!!? It’s time to decide and learn.

Those strategies, counselling and your own curiosity are the supports to trigger your own healing. When you hold onto hope and truly decide in your mind and keep affirming- ‘I am going to get better’, things start to change.

Lastly, when you are going through emotional pain, it’s hard to even leave the room, but you must go out to show care to others or your surroundings. It will marvellously help you.

✔No matter how your brain keeps whispering your life doesn’t matter, your caring action will replace that vague thought. Do anything that gives you a sense of giving love. It can be as simple as watering the lawn grass or feed birds, leaving water-bowl on the porch for birds (I know, can’t stop talking about birds lol), cook a meal- go to the city- give it to the homeless. Engage in volunteer work. If you have to distract yourself, distract in these ways which only remind you what an awesome & valuable person you are! And the grass, the birds, the less fortunate people truly need you. You are such a blessing to them. You are needed. You are loved. Your life matters & a precious gift to you and to us. The world needs you and we all are connected. And then whether you are aware or not, the magic starts to take place which is: all your life burdens and emotional issues feel lighter and lighter. Eventually, joy starts to knock on your heart!

(Enjoy this fun clip, how peaceful neighbours checks up on me during weekend ;)

Remember that suffering pin? Dear friend, Let it drop .….. Now, pick up support. Hold onto hope. Look for goodness. Learn new information. Feed your mind with proper nutrition. Give Love unconditionally and let the happiness find the precious You!

……Shaila opens her music playlist, clicks on a harp music & harmony starts to flow and places the laptop near window as someone out there might need it……..

(Hi! my lovely readers❤ Hope y’all safe and trying your best to take care of yourself during this challenging time. Remember, we have each other and we are all in this together. May my love reaches to friends across countries who are having a tough time managing their mental health.

If you are practising the homework strategies from my previous article “The Error404_Mental Health Not Found”, I’m eager to hear from you how things are working for you & support you! Feel free to email me anytime at —

Love y’all. Talk to you soon…..



Shaila Y

◾ My life story is my message to you. May you never give up to do the right thing ❤ Med Sci | Women in Tech | Advocate | Human Rights Insta@Shailayazz